Christ for Nations

What we do

Family Rescued in Faisalabad

As be like many Christian families, This family was trapped in the web of “slave labour” in the clay(Brick) factories scattered in the  countryside of Pakistani Punjab. Each of them includes young people, old people, children. They are among the many families who have been imprisoned due to the practice of “peshi”, an advance on salary that the  worker receives from his employer, for a need of his own, which constitutes  a debt. That debt accumulates and, in return for interest, creates a system  of perennial dependency, which becomes an accepted and legalized form  of modern slavery. The phenomenon is widespread in Pakistan, a country  that ranks sixth in the index compiled by ‘Global Slavery’, which counted 2.3  million slaves in the country, 1.13% of the entire Pakistani population.

Church Planting Mission in Pakistan

As followers of Christ, our mission is to be disciples who make disciples. The church is a way for followers of Jesus to act together as one body, with Jesus as the head, to fulfill this mission. At its best, the unity in Christ we experience in the church can even give us a taste of the glory to come in Revelation 7.Because a Partner in order to stand with us in Raising Next Generation for the Kingdom of God , Please Feel free to write us GMI international

GMI Free Bible Distribution Ministry

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have  commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” According to the Great Commission We Are Typing…..                              Matthew 28 :19-20

Blankets Distribution at Azad Kashmir (Affected by Earthquake )

Gospel Mission International Pakistan, as usual, has distributed woolen blankets valuing among the poor and needy people, living in the outskirts in different areas of Azad Kashmir on the eve of winter season in order to provide them relief against harsh cold weather. Because a Partner in order to stand with us in Raising Next Generation for the Kingdom of God , Please Feel free to write us at GMI international

About the Founder And Chairman

Rev. Ayoub Sadiq

Greetings to all nations, believers of all religions, from Rev. Ayoub Sadiq . Rev Ayoub Sadiq born in a Christian Family ,an exemplary Husband of a Spiritual and Faithful Wife . And Jesus has Blessed us with a Beautiful baby boy And  God abundantly used and using to Rev Ayoub Sadiq for his Glory  in Different Cities and Villages of Pakistan and Rev.Ayoub Sadiq is trying to Raise New Leaders And Contributors  to Establish kingdom of Jesus Christ on this Earth Hoping He will always Use.

Our Vision And Services

GMI " Gospel Mission international is (Registered ) in Pakistan


  • GMI Wants to do Church Planting in Pakistan Where People have No Pastor, Bibles And Church Buildings.
  • GMI Wants to Build Orphanage And Old House in Pakistan for All those People And Kids Who are Neglected And Ignored in Pakistan.
  • GMI wants to Build Schools And Vocational Training Centers for the Poor , Orphan And Bonded Slave kids. 


GMI have some services in Pakistan. GMI Organize open air crusades and Leadership Conferences and Revival and Healing festivals in different Cities and Villages of Pakistan. And GMI also running Sunday Schools in different areas of Pakistan and GMI has also running an GMI human welfare society we support to widows and orphans and slave kid,s etc through food ,cloths and book’s etc. and GMI also running bibles colleges in different cities and villages of Pakistan and we are trying to raise new leaders for the Kingdom work

Our Team Members







Raising The New Generation for the kingdom work.